
a body travels 2 m in 2nd second and 6 m in the next four seconds . what will be the distance travelled in the 9th second.

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Let the initial velocity of the body be ‘u’. Its acceleration be ‘a’.

It travels 2 m in the 2nd second.

Using, Sn = u + (a/2)(2n – 1)

=> 2 = u + (a/2)(2×2 – 1)

=> 2 = u + 3a/2 ………………(1)

In the next 4 seconds it travels 6 m.

So, 6 m = distance traveled in 6 s – distance traveled in first 2 s

=> 6 = 6u + ½ a(62) – {2u + ½ a(22)}

=> 6 = 4u + 16a

=> 3 = 2u + 8a ………………(2)

Solving (1) and (2) we get,

u = 2.3 m/s, a = -0.2 m/s2

So, distance traveled in the 9th second is,

S9 = u + (a/2)(2n – 1)

=> S9 = 2.3 – (0.2/2)(2×9 – 1)

=> S9 = 2.3 – (0.1)(17)

=> S9 = 0.6 m

Best SolutionSWATI KAPOOR 10 year ago is this solution helpfull: 5 0

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